How We Work
We’re rigorous in delivering collaborative place making to create urban places that respect people and the planet.
How we work
We are rigorous in delivering collaborative placemaking to create urban places that respect people and the planet.
To make this happen, we listen, we use our practical experience, research and pilot project innovation hubs to test bed new placemaking project approaches.
At Living Space Project we use our carefully designed and tested ‘System of 8’©. This placemaking and green space framework comprises eight components which can be used together, or individually as ‘stand-alones’.
System of 8© is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach. It is a bespoke system carefully curated for each individual project we do and applies to all aspects of practice, policy or research – country focused or city wide – at neighbourhood level or street scale.
System of 8© gives stakeholders the opportunity to address a wide range of placemaking and green space issues. It facilitates collaborative ways to highlight priorities, create an action plan, develop research, get a project started or tested, and share learning.