Clients & Partners

Our clients and partners work with us because we’re focused on place making that’s about taking a place or green space, from ‘it’s ok’ to ‘its brilliant’.

Clients & Partners


Our clients and partners work with us because we’re focused on inclusive and equitable urban place making


Why? We want to motivate people to ‘plan to stay’ rather than ‘plot to leave’, and to want to build local assets and community relationships.   

Our clients and partners are progressive placemakers -architects, communities, developers, designers, charitable foundations, local and central government, academics and international agencies.

What they say

With its focus on inclusive cites and places - and a deep understanding of the processes and stakeholder groups needed to achieve them - Living Space Project was a great partner and collaborator for gathering ideas, and to lead on the design of our multi-partner ‘Crowdsourcing the City’ Masterclass.
— Adam Cutts, Manager of Research and Urban Innovation Programme
Local Trust works with Living Space Project on Big Local because they understand how to work with different places, agencies, and residents in communities. They explore ideas, provide advice and help get things moving to make areas even better places to live, work and socialise.
— Debbie Ladds, Former, Chief Executive, Local Trust
We wanted to work with Living Space Project because they understand the role of greener jobs and skills in placemaking at a community and national level. They carried out focus groups, as well as robust research and a solid report for publication. I’d be happy to recommend them
— Richard Blakeley, Policy Officer, Unionlearn
Living Space Project was the obvious go to partner in London for developing environment and place shaping ideas. Together we planned and set up an environment and placemaking clinic for communities, small groups and enterprises, providing advice by Faculty of Law postgraduates at University College London.
— Jane Holder, Professor in Environmental Law, University College London